UTS International

3.9 Based on 6 reviews
, Takkebijsters 10, 4817 BL


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26 Jul 2024
'Zorgeloos' en 'professioneel' staat er op hun website.....yeah right!!
Na een schriftelijke bevestiging te hebben gekregen van Wessel Sels (verkoper) dat alles akkoord was omtrent volumes, prijs, datum etc., en zelfs de planners (Ruben, Sjoerd en Jaap) naar voren werden geschoven om de verdere verhuisvoorbereidingen te doen, wordt er 4 dagen voor de daadwerkelijke verhuis een mail gestuurd dat men een fout had gemaakt in de berekening en het 50% duurder ging worden....!!!
Ik kreeg vervolgens nog geen 5 uur de tijd van directeur Rens Kleijmeer om alsnog akkoord te gaan met hun nieuwe prijs of de besproken en gereserveerde dag zou komen te vervallen....
Sta je dan een paar dagen voor je verhuis met je rug tegen de muur, verschrikkelijke partij!
Ricardo Ferreira
12 Feb 2024
Strongly advice NOT to work with these guys. They deliver competitive price but then (because they subrent to other companies) they increase your sqm and blackmail you to pay the extra cost saying not delivering your goods before your pay. Terrible experience!
12 Jun 2023
My experience with UTS International was extremely bad.

At first I got a quotation that included furniture dismounting and remounting on site. After signing it, they told me I had to pay a few hundred euros more for the dismounting, which was already quoted it and written black on white.

5 days before our move out of the country, they called in to tell me that they had to reschedule the collection either the next day from the phone call, or one day after we already flew out. I was furious. We had to accept collection on the next day, even if we were not ready for it. The sudden reschedule led us to add hotel costs for 4 nights before we flew out.

We've accepted a higher price, compared to other companies, as they guaranteed the delivery within 6 weeks and no more than 8 weeks. As it turns out, our goods left the country 8 weeks after the collection, we were never told so, they reached the country of destination after 12 weeks, while we were on a work trip and we had to pay several hundred euros in storage fees that were not covered by UTS International, despite their promise to deliver in 8 weeks top.

In short:
- They wanted to renegotiate an existing quotation requesting higher payment for services already clearly quoted in
- Moved the pick up date on a last moment notice, forcing us to move into a hotel for 4 nights
- Delivered goods in 14 weeks instead of the promised 6-8 weeks and didn't cover out storage costs, downplaying the enormous delays

An extremely positive comment goes to the packing company (which is not UTS International but an external contractor) they were absolutely fantastic and did an excellent job packing everything patiently, quickly and carefully.
17 Oct 2022
Not a trustworthy company. The surveyors gave me a good quote compared to competitors. Until a week before the move, customer service still confirmed with the same invoice. Then after everything was packed from my home and loaded on a ship, I received a new invoice with 70% extra costs because of changes in the international shipping freight charges. You would think that a professional mover should check and update on international shipping costs until the day of the move, but no, this company has absolutely the worst customer service.
7 Oct 2019

They have zero experience. They are just a coordination company who subcontract everything. I asked they several time to check how to deliver certain items. They were all reassuring until the delivery happened and the company they subcontracted that was not consulted before confirmed it was not possible to deliver these items.

Stay away from them
Helmut Swart
14 Dec 2017
UTS International

quite professional, swift, however on details room for improvement
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