KHZ Movers

9.5 Based on 3 reviews
, A. van Leeuwenhoekweg 50, 2400 AJ
Alphen a/d Rijn


Based on 3 reviews
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Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Barbara Hedler
7 Sep 2020
Well structured and planned.

The company planned well in advance of the move. It was well organized and the staff was kind and friendly.

I didn't like the usage of excessive paper for the packaging of every single item, even the non-breakable ones, generating an immense quantity of the garbage, which I understood is not reused by the company but disposed of for recycling (could easily be reused!).
Michel Ferreira
24 Jul 2017
KHZ Movers

They were amazing from end to end, taking care of every step and communicating them to me.
Lakeisha Jones
28 Feb 2017
KHZ Movers

service was great!!!
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