OC lines USA

1.4 Based on 3 reviews
, 1 Crosss Island Plaza, Suite 305, 11422


Based on 3 reviews
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Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Sem verhaege
24 Jun 2018
OC lines USA

This was the worst experience ever. All my furniture is broken. I tried to contact them for the insurance, but they never replied on all the emails that I sended to them. So now I paid a lot of money for broken furniture!
29 Apr 2018
OC lines USA

Initially they were great. But the moment they took my things away and I paid them they vanished. I had to send 7 emails to get one response. And now they have vanished again. I want an update on my shipment.
Maybe you’ll be able to have them email me!
28 Apr 2018
OC lines USA

After taking our deposit, they didn't show up and when we called them they said they were going out of business. This was 2 days After they were supposed to pick up.
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