Moovaz Innovation Pte. Ltd.

6.9 Based on 11 reviews


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Customer satisfaction
Damage free
Bernard Lee
26 Nov 2024
Fucked up company not responding to query after collecting payment
12 Aug 2024
Not good at all. Both an expensive watch and my wallet was stolen in the move. When I brought this to their attention, they didn't seem to do much. I know this theft happened in Singapore because when the unpacking happened in Philippines, we could see that the place where it they resided has been tampered with.
On top of that, 3-4 weeks has passed after we had moved with none of our belongings in sight. When I finally chased up in when we would expect to get our furniture and belongings, they told us that they were waiting for passport details from us. At no point had they followed up on this at all. All in all, it took approximately 6-8 weeks until we finally got our stuff. Just a really bad experience
Waltl Anton
9 Jan 2021
First contact ok, lets see how they perform for the move

Since the move hasn't been done yet I cant really rate the Service. First contacts and procedures are ok. Astonishing is the wide range of pricing for the same scope. Seems to be that some companies put a big add on cost. Ask when the move has been done.
Lynn Adams
10 Nov 2020
Great service except for the items stolen from me

My move went smoothly, except we had small expensive items stolen. The company also ignored any emails I sent regarding the items. Just told me to claim insurance, unfortunately we had one of our dogs who came out of quarantine same day as shipment arrived take very ill and after a couple of weeks died. So by the time I tried to claim insurance it was over the 30 days. They had stolen small things you thought must in a box somewhere so wasn’t until we were all unpacked and actively looked for them too, which also wasted time. I emailed Moovaz regarding the stolen items and they ignored me.
Romain Jobert
3 Apr 2020
great, fast, efficient and good price

great, fast, efficient and good price
Adrian Tomlinson
28 Mar 2020
Singapore to Brisbane - one bed apartment just 14 boxes

The value for money through a competitive price that came with fantastic communication and customer service should be applauded. The team were great end to end, from the initial quote to packing date establishment and the actual move, through to handing off to Australian partner and their delivery in Brisbane. I didn't have an apartment in Brisbane when I moved from Singapore and Moovaz as well as Chess in Australia were happy to "slow boat" my shipment down to Australia, giving me time to find a place and they delivered on the very day that I moved into my apartment in South Brisbane. Thanks to all at Moovaz in Singapore and Chess in Australia.
1 Oct 2019
fast and smart

the team was smart and efficient to organize everything.
Asle Lipski
9 Sep 2019
Efficient and precise

Complete move from Singapore to Philippines, door to door, well arranged and controlled.
Chua Soo Hoon
21 Jun 2019
Unhappy at every stage of my move!

I engaged Moovaz for my move from Singapore to Australia, and at every step of the way, there were issues. The contract involved packing and moving my stuff to 2 addresses, as well as storage of the boxes for the 2nd address due to deliver a few months later.

Unprofessional Packing: Packers arrived 3 hours late and there was no supervisor coordinating the packing. A lot of paper cushion was used to stuff in the boxes in the name of protecting my items but that increased the volume by 30% and thereby entitling them to charge me extra cost. I also found out when the boxes arrived at my destination, that the label on the boxes does not even match the content nor tally with the inventory list, and the items that I have painstakingly identified for the 2 different addresses were all mixed up!

Mixed-up Shipment: The shipment for the 2 batches of boxes were also mixed up. The first batch of boxes, containing items that are household essentials, was supposed to be delivered first at my place shortly after I arrived in Australia but was left behind in Singapore. Instead, the 2nd batch of boxes meant for storage arrived, and the first batch had to wait for the next shipment and came almost 2 months later.

Wrong Delivery: When the boxes arrived at my place, some of my items were found exposed out of the boxes and not protected. Some boxes were missing and some of the boxes for the 2nd address (meant to be sent for storage) were mixed in this batch, and I had to send these boxes to storage, incurring additional storage and handling fee. I shall reserve my comments for the delivery of the boxes to my 2nd address as they are still in storage.

Storage Charges: I was billed separately by both Moovaz & their partner in Australia for the storage, at different rates. Moovaz billed me at their quoted storage rate for the first 2 months and I have to pay a rate that is more than 2x the quoted rate for the subsequent months charged by their partner. When I asked for explanation on the inconsistency, Moovaz simply claimed that the quoted rate is no longer valid.

All in all, the cost for my move & storage has ballooned significantly from I had anticipated to pay. Furthermore, the process has been exasperating, and there was no clarity and no sense of apology from Moovaz! My move may have been more complicated because of the 2 addresses but I really question Moovaz's competency in doing their business. I regret engaging Moovaz for the move and do not wish the same for others who might be looking to engage a mover.
Lars Oestergaard
11 Mar 2019
From Singapore to Dubai, it went well:-)

Went very well
Mitch Lewis
27 Dec 2017
Moovaz Innovation Pte. Ltd.

Moovaz and the owner Jerry were amazing before and during the move. He was personally involved in picking the team and supervisor and insuring everything was done with quality and a fair price. I felt the pre-move analysis and in-house work was extremely professional and lived up to our expectations. We had a 3000 square foot house to move from Singapore to Seattle and it was done on-time and on-budget and we would highly recommend Moovaz to any individual or company wanting to move expats to/from international assignments with personal touch, extreme carefulness, attention to detail and a commitment to to the client us.
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