Kingdom International Movers

10 Based on 1 reviews

About this company

We provide flexible end-to-end solutions that assist companies and individuals to meet their objectives by giving the best possible service at competitive prices. We are always looking forward, using innovative thinking and delivering solutions tailored to the needs of the customers. The latest technology and transportation facilities are allowing us to give our customers the best service possible in Saudi Arabia and overseas.
, Riyadh, 94752


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Damage free
Jems Varghese
5 Jul 2023
The best move ever in 25 years! I recently moved within Riyadh in March 2023 and for the first time this wasn’t a nightmare! If you want a hassle-free move and get things done, I highly recommend Kingdom International Movers. They are very professional and knows exactly what they’re doing. Excellent service and professional staff.
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