New Zealand Movers

8.9 Based on 10 reviews
41 Pavillion Drive, 2150


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Damage free
Jonas Valintin
29 Nov 2020
Very disappointing

2 days before our move from NZ to Spain then shipment company we booked bailed on us by increasing prices with 50%, if we wanted to get our goods past the port of Valencia - as the quote the gave us now only was enough to get the stuff to the port it self, but then we had to clear the goods our self, have it delivered to Malaga our self etc etc

So we had to find a last minute solution, so we called New Zealand Movers.
They had send out a quote to us for ~7.500 NZD, and we we're on the phone with them, and I literally had them on the phone asking "Is this for real, because if it is, then I will call now and call of the other firm for good", and they told me yes, they send me a signed contract, I signed it, and send it back to them, but while I did this, they all the sudden send out a new quote of approx ~11.5000 NZD now, saying that it was a mistake on the first one (even though it was signed, and I asked explicitly on the phone if it was for good).

None the the less, we had no choose but to take it, even though it highly felt like they we're taking advantage of our situation.

The goods we're expected to be delivered at the end of august, early september, so we rented a house in Spain on the 1st of september.
Though we didnt hear nothing from New Zealand Movers after our payment cleared - I emailed them time and time again.
I had to call them at 5am in the morning several times (EU time), just to get a hold of them, and only then they though it was nessecary to told us, that the goods have been 6 weeks delayed. - Well yeah thanks for letting us know mate.

So here we are we a big house, in a new country, with no furnitures for 6 weeks, so obviously we had to lots of basic stuff, and had they let us know just weeks before, we could have had brought stuff / send stuff from our vacation back home in Denmark to Spain.

All the goods arrived, 2 men moved everything in the house for us, and collected it, and same when the goods were picked up in NZ - that part was good service.

Moving across the world is a big thing, and all of our lifes is in this container, and I think these guys handled it like amateurs with such a lousy service.

I do not recommend you to choose this firm - they are not cheaper than any others, so you might as well go for someone with proper communication and transparency.
30 Sep 2018
Cheaper and better than expected. Excellent service.

Carla Greeff
30 May 2018
New Zealand Movers

Had a good move from SA with Econotrans, when NZ Movers came to deliver it was quick work to get all the boxes out of the truck

When the truck arrived it had difficulty getting into my driveway, it ran over my sleeper blocks in the driveway, one got crushed
When we opened my tv it was cracked and found one glass broken

But all and all it was a good move
Sue Flasdick
30 Oct 2017
New Zealand Movers

I ended up using NZ Movers rather than either of the 2 selected as I found their price far more affordable.
The packing and moving was fast and efficient and I couldn't be happier with the service provided. I would happily recommend NZ Movers to anyone looking to relocate.
John Forrest
14 Aug 2017
New Zealand Movers

Wonderful people to deal with, generous with their time and customer effort. A very well organised ans hard working company. A big thank you to Sharon McGregor and Karl Torrie. Outstanding company representatives.
Pam perry
4 Apr 2017
New Zealand Movers

I had Ausmove and Allied do a quote for me and also NZ Movers. All were much of a muchness but NZ movers were able to do on my days and Ausmove was the cheapest but they said NZ Movers were who they would use anyway.

NZ Movers were very good, correspondence emails etc constantly advising fo the shipment and whereabouts. Happy with it so far.
26 Jan 2017
New Zealand Movers

Great help made the move really easy, everything picked up & delivered on time!
Zynthea Ping
1 May 2016
New Zealand Movers

The boys were great and early god bless them
Susanne Ledanff
21 Apr 2016
New Zealand Movers

The agent who came to my house was very efficient and organised. I chose the company because the price seemed right and they had a lot of experience. Indeed, I am pleased with way it worked out. My various changes in departure time were accommodated, the packers did a great job. It looks that also on the German side everything is well organised.
Jane Kuruvilla
9 Apr 2016
New Zealand Movers

The company provided reasonable rate with excellent service. The communication through out the process was transparent .The container arrived on estimated time frame. They are recommendable.
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