Lion Movers BVBA

5.8 Based on 2 reviews
, Meerbeeksebaan 98, 1982


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Damage free
Va Haegenborgh
15 Oct 2023
It was a nervous situation, first I had to tra´slate everything in English, then in French and than I heard that moving my personal stuff wasn´t possible with Lion Movers but that I had to share a container with a French "Groupage" qui ne m´as pas avertit du départ ni de l´arrivée...
jacqueline Velez De Villa
21 Feb 2020
Stressful, awful.

The person in charge was very rude, didn't have good manners and didn't understand or had any empathy towards our difficulties. He wasn't clear about the price and kept changing and increasing making all sorts of excuses for it, The counting of the items and volume wasn't accurate on his part even though I pointed out everything and any possible changes to fit in the original budget. He wrote us very unpleasant and insulting emails after we complaint in a respectful manner. He is simply very unprofessional, and shouldn't be doing this type of job, this is a people's job by nature and we felt all the time like we were just another number.
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